awesum ensemble
Something happened at Seoul Garden.
Posted Sunday, May 18, 2008 @ 3:52 PM

Featuring Wesley and Kristie with guest appearance of King. Wahaha, click and see for yourself. :D
Posted Friday, May 16, 2008 @ 11:15 PM
Test, test, test, testing one two three. Today is a fine sunny day and GEM went to TM's Seoul Garden to have a day off and have lunch out. Hope everyone and their stomaches are contented. Those who missed out, fret not, guitar camp is coming up!

And here are some pictures:
The J1s.

The ex-exco.

GEM. :)

The rest of the pictures can be found at photobucket below.

GEM site!
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Yes, it's fine.
No, we need to change this.

After some feedback, y'all can go HERE for the pictures we took at Seoul Garden. People, look forward to guitar camp coming up this june holidays. Spread the word! Oh yes, we welcome feedback! Leave something on our empty cbox.

Monday's Vesak Day, Happy Vesak Day!
June holidays are coming up soon, do your e-learning, study for your myes, practise your guitar, do your GPP, enjoy camp, and don't forget to practise your guitar and have a good-deserved break from school.

-Aswhy(it's a pun on my initials, go figure, i'm bored hahaha), Simyee, your pub ic. :]

GEM, We are the Guitar Ensemble of Meridian