awesum ensemble
Posted Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 8:51 PM

hello guys! Just felt like posting some random lovely pictures since dear simyee is away in Dubai this week! Above is our purely crayon done up board. Quite girly but oh wells, the guys love it:)

And we've been making some progress in our SYF pieces eversince promos yay! Good job people, let's just hang on there and looking forward to GUITAR CAMP on the 28th and 29th:) bring your pyjamas people!!

After-activities of Guitar sessions have been none other than our crazy noisy drama mama jamming/gemming sessions in our cosy little corner. Songyang took video somemore! Pictures below from the courtesy of Szehow's iphone. We flooded his photo gallery heehee:)

MORE pictures coming up, from simyee's phone. and ivan, hope you found kingkong!

Last hurdle before real holidays!
Posted Saturday, November 1, 2008 @ 11:19 AM
Dear all,

It has been ages since i last updated. Big thank you to Ivan. :D What's left now is yes, the big fat words, OP. Almost. Everyone, all the best for OP. Speak up yo. After PW, look forward for some real holidays and our guitar camp! :D

J2s, add oil and give your best shot. Make guitar proud of you. We'll be behind you! :D

Hope you all had a good scare(yesterday was Halloween!) and rest well this weekends before OP next week! Preserve your voice darlings, no deep-fried food, drink more water(optimal hydration's 2 litres a day for 2 weeks), and yes, no ice-cream!

GEM, We are the Guitar Ensemble of Meridian