awesum ensemble
Request upon Wesley.
Posted Saturday, August 30, 2008 @ 1:07 PM
Our 2nd syf piece is a combination of coup de coeur and les reves de matin. (Go ask him what does it actually mean in french)

Check here:

Happy study break everyone! Play hard, mug smart. :D
Posted @ 12:43 PM
GO HERE for all the not resized photos(meaning you can develop/photoshop em!).

Finally, after the morning we had to reach school earlier to put our guitars in the room..

And the rehearsals we had and having to rush down right after class and practise the gallery

This is it!

Gonna post some backstage photos.

Small group practice. Mmm, we look guitar-ish in white top and jeans. :)

Takshun, pls talk more! And don't emo, you've us! Haha, just a random shot i took of him while he didn't notice.

Haha, pose pretty. :)

3/4 of the SLs.

Crystal and Shenna.

Wesley and his fat guitaron.

Man, they rly don't know how to listen to instructions, so much headspace. There's Songyang, Weijin and Joon btw. :)

Xueli, Zhengxiang and Jacklyn.

Last of all, the door guards, Natalie and Xinyi. Note, i didn't say it, they admitted themselves.

Sorry to the other people i didn't manage to take photos of!

A big thank-you to the J2s who came down to support us! Thank you all!

Last note:
I was blog-hopping and i found this!

I liked the performance by Guitar Club too! -
This is what King, Shenna, Zhiyong, Darren.. would say but i'm going to say it behalf of them: GREAT JOB EVERYONE! :D
New guitar rack!
Posted Thursday, August 28, 2008 @ 7:40 PM

Drums roll....

This is GEM's new guitar racks, customised by our beloved J2s!

A very big thank you to them. :D
Posted Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @ 6:55 PM


Who likes the sound of that? Strictly for GEM only but we're nice people so others are free to join us. :)
It'll be out of our guitar practice days, so maybe tue & thu, at the study room. We can take a corner of the study room!
Posted @ 6:50 PM
What happened today? Check the below.


And King had the last laughter, haha!

Aftermath of GEM paupok incident. The victim's face is blurred but it isn't hard to figure out who is it! Try harder! He's our quarter master! Go and check the above! Oh did i just leak something out? I didn't!
First of august.
Posted Saturday, August 2, 2008 @ 9:04 AM
Many thanks for our pioneer seniors who dropped by yesterday to give us that morale boost and the sharing of their experience in MJC and in GEM!

Some key take-aways:
1. The bonding that will remain timeless.
2. Practice, practice and more practice.
3. Enjoy while we can and make the best out of what we have.

BON VOYAGE for those going on Cambridge! Have fun Safiah! And the others!

People, do check your email for the TJC and MJC syf piece.

  • Cca'll be having stand-down from 15 august.
  • Mug for promos! (One ex-president once said the top scholar just so happens to come from GEM, go figure who!) We can consider GEM mass-mugging sessions.
  • When you're stressed out&need to unwind, consider GEM blog / playing your guitar! :) (Do tag, give me your blog links so i can link you up, feel free to give me other ccas/CGs' links as well)
  • Don't forget to sign up for your compass elective!

Thanks for Csquare for the below picture! I'm still chalking up 'nuff photos to be put up on our noticeboard.

More pictures to be posted ~



GEM, We are the Guitar Ensemble of Meridian