awesum ensemble
GEM's Vision Statement
Posted Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 10:07 AM
Hello, so yesterday marked the last day of CCA for Term 3. Good job to everyone for successfully learning how to play Summer's Breeze! :D Do continue to do some self-practice because the conductor will be around for the next practice. According to Nikki, you just need 10 minutes everyday.

Here's a video of TJC's Guitar Ensemble playing Summer's Breeze. The sound quality isn't that good but I still hope it'll aid you all in practising:

Good luck for SPA and Promos. And to the JC2s, good luck for Prelims and 'A' Level! :)

Lastly, if you've forgotten or do not know, this is GEM's vision statement:

To build a strong BASS, be a PRIME example of musicianship, and to play ALTOgether as one ensemble, one sound.

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GEM, We are the Guitar Ensemble of Meridian