awesum ensemble
EXCO Roles and Responsibilities
Posted Saturday, March 27, 2010 @ 2:21 AM
Hi JC1s, for those of you who are interesting in signing up for EXCO, the following are the roles and responsibilities you'll have to cover!

Ensures smooth running of practices.

Assists the chairman in ensuring smooth running of practices.

In charge of various administrative and money matters and attendance.

Publicity IC:
In charge of publicising the CCA (during Open House and CCA Recruitment) and poster/banner-making and noticeboards.

Sectional Leader:
Teaches individual sections how to play a music piece and ensure progress of the section as a whole.

Student conductor:
Arranges music pieces and conducts ensemble school performances.

Quarter master/mistress:
In charge of various logistics and stock-checking stuff as well as the opening of the guitar room.

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That's about it! Do note that some of our roles and responsibilities overlap quite a bit. Thus, we should lend each other a helping hand where possible. :) Non-EXCO GEM members should help as much as possible too!


GEM, We are the Guitar Ensemble of Meridian